3rd Quarter | Week 3 | Discussion

 1. What do you like more - reading 21st Century Literature (Manga) or watching its video counterpart (anime) like Naruto, Sailormoon, and others? Why?

Anime versions of any manga could either be excellent or disappointing (there are no in-betweens). It is primarily a fight between both expectations and reality where reality often flops. There are times where animators leave out details in the anime, making the story lose substance. There are also times where episodes are either rushed or unnecessarily prolonged. The lack of story play and the inconsistent pacing is why I prefer reading manga more than watching its video counterpart. Of course, there are anime that actually delivers, so this is just my general preference. However, the amount of disappointing anime created to promote the manga compared to high-quality anime is astonishingly high.

2. In the example 3D ANIMATION of Sailormoon, the old version of the anime (2D) was shown on 3:19 onwards. What can you say about the difference in the 2D and 3D versions in terms of quality? Did the 3D version appeal to you more? Why?

Rather than appeal, I would say that the 3D version disturbs me. Due to advancing technology, 3D animation provides more impactful imagery compared to 2D animation.  Animators often use them in drawing scenes that are very hard to animate (like otherworldly creatures, battle scenes, and etc.). However, the use of 3D animation all throughout an anime often creates disturbing displays. Seeing 3D characters speak gives me feelings of discord due to the unnatural movement of their mouth. This also applies to their body and eye coordination. In short, 2D animation provides its watchers with smoother and more natural visuals that 3D animation can’t replicate.

3. If you were given the opportunity to write 21st Century literature, what type/genre will it be and why?

If I were to choose a genre to write, I would go for either Yuri or Shoujo Ai. Yuri is a genre that focuses on Sapphic romance between two women. Meanwhile, Shoujo Ai is the fluffier and more wholesome version of Yuri. As an avid reader and watcher of both genres, I am confident that I have the necessary knowledge to write them. Something about seeing relationships between two women progress brings fulfillment and delight to my heart that even hetero-romantic genres can’t provide. You could say that my sexuality plays a huge role in this decision.


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